infidelity private investigators

Facts You May Not Know About Cheating

We are communication experts and encourage couples to talk and work out their differences. In a perfect world, we would not need to investigate infidelity because it would not exist. We would prefer that you do not need our services and that you repair any relationship issues to create the happiest life possible for yourselves.

Investigation Hotline understands that we are all struggling through hard times with COVID-19. Tensions and nerves are higher than usual and people are being forced to quarantine inside of their homes. This can create tension and stress within relationships with the ones that you are the closest to. For some couples, this may prove to be the straw that broke the camel’s back, driving people to emotionally or physically cheat on their partners. We anticipate once these times of quarantine are in the rear view mirror, we will receive a myriad of cases involving cheating. 

Infidelity can be devastating to relationships and to people’s emotional well being. While everyone has their own perceptions of what constitutes cheating, one thing is undeniable: it is a part of life. Because cheating is such a pervasive part of society, much research has been conducted on it in order to understand who cheats, when they cheat, who they cheat with and why. These facts are some of the more interesting results that have been unearthed by this research.

1) Straight women are more likely to forgive emotional infidelity, while straight men are more likely to forgive their partner for physical infidelity.

2) Men are more likely to cheat when they are approaching a milestone birthday. Researchers suggest this is because they are experiencing self-induced pressure and may be feeling increased responsibility to find meaning in life with someone other than their partner. Women experience this too, but to a lesser degree.

3) You are more likely to cheat on your spouse if you are economically dependent on them. By contrast, men are less likely to cheat on their partner the more money they make relative to them. However, this is true only when they man makes less than 70% of the household income. Above this point, they become more likely to cheat again.

4) A 2015 study indicated that while 42% of couples are likely to go through infidelity issues, only 5-8% of couples believed that it could possibly happen in their relationship.

5) Nature over nurture? A growing body of research suggests that infidelity can be genetic.

6) Research indicates that it is possible to repair a relationship after one partner is unfaithful, but only under certain conditions. The cheater must feel remorse and want to change their ways and the victim must feel sure that the cheater has completely stopped cheating (sometimes this means completely severing ties with the person they cheated with). It is also recommended that the cheater does not give specific details about their affair with the other person.

7) Emotional infidelity is becoming increasingly more common than physical infidelity.

8) Women are more likely to cheat when they are ovulating.

9) Some men have reported that they cheat in order to “fix” their marriage.

10) Financial infidelity is a form of cheating on your partner that can end up in messy divorces or breakups. It can come in the form of collecting large debts without telling his or her partner, pretending to have wealth that they don’t, keeping secret credit cards or hiding bills and credit card statements.

Catching cheaters is a specialty of a private investigator, who uses different methods to collect evidence of this transgression. Consider hiring one if you suspect your partner is cheating.