workplace investigators

Do You Know When Someone’s Lying?

Investigation Hotline does not like liars and we help you uncover the truth. However, lying and deception are unfortunately very common human behaviours and are part of human nature. Some studies have indicated that the average North American will tell at least two lies a day. Whether these are harmless white lies to pacify someone or avoid hurting their feelings, or whether they are painful lies that can have serious consequences, we are all guilty of telling them.

It is of vital importance for a private investigator to be able to detect whenever someone is lying to them while they are working a case. Interviewing is a common technique employed by private investigators in their line of work, whether it be for a custody case, a fraud case or a case of suspected infidelity. While many people lie during these interviews, private investigators are highly trained in detecting subtle hints that betray a liar and have excellent skills for detecting both verbal and physical “tells”.

Are you worried that someone in your life is lying to you? Perhaps your partner is acting shady? Or it seems as though your roommates are keeping something from you? Lying can be very difficult to detect, especially if it is from a habitual liar or an experienced liar. Here are some fail-safe tips from a private investigator to help you determine whether or not someone is lying to you.

Physical “Tells”:

1) When someone is lying, it is very common for them gesture excessively. If they are gesturing with their hands more frequently than usual, it could be an indication that they are nervous and unsure of themselves.

2) If someone is lying to you, it could be very difficult for them to maintain eye contact. Out of guilt or fear, they may avert their eyes when a sensitive topic is encroached upon. Also beware if the person is constantly staring at one point in the room and avoiding looking in your eyes all together. This stare could be an effort to not only look away from you, but to be able to focus on their lying words as well.

3) Fidgeting is a very common tell for liars. When someone is uncomfortable, they will fidget, move back and forth, touch their face, stroke their hair, bite their nails or wring their hands more often than usual. Because of the heightened nervous system being stimulated by the thrill or fear of the lie, the person may be experiencing itching or tingling in their body that they are consciously or subconsciously trying to alleviate.

Verbal “Tells”:

1) A very common verbal tell is when the person you suspect is lying repeats the questions you ask back to you. This could be because they need more time to formulate the lie, or because they want to turn the question on you instead.

2) A liar may also offer up very few details … or offer too many. Oftentimes a liar will ramble, assuming that by providing excessive detail it becomes a more believable story. Unfortunately for them, this could have disastrous consequences when you start to notice inconsistencies in their story. For this reason, many liars choose to provide as few details as possible so that they can keep their story straight.

3) Another giveaway for liars is an uncertain cadence in their voice. If their voice is shaky and sounds unsure, it could be an indication that they are struggling to tell the lie. Someone who is telling the truth is more likely to have a steady and sure vocal cadence. A liar may also have an unusually high pitched tone or may suddenly raise the volume of their voice in defense.

4) Keep an ear out for someone who will constantly remind you that they are being honest with you. If they say this over and over again, it is a sure red flag that they are lying.

Need help figuring out whether you are being lied to? Could the lies you’re afraid of have disastrous consequences? You don’t need to face them alone. Contact us at Investigation Hotline and we will get to the bottom of the lie for you.