
The Controversy of Hidden GPS Devices in Cars:

Protecting Your Privacy in Canada

In recent years, in the US, a controversial practice has emerged. In certain car dealerships, particularly those catering to lower-income customers. Some dealerships, often without the buyer’s knowledge, have been placing GPS devices in the cars they sell. This practice has sparked legal and ethical concerns. Especially because manufacturers design these devices to assist in repossessions if buyers fail to make payments.

The Controversial Practice

Typically, dealerships install these GPS devices to aid in locating vehicles in case of payment default. The devices remain on the car until the loan is fully paid off, and dealerships often go to great lengths to keep buyers unaware of their presence. This controversial practice has been the subject of lawsuits, raising questions about privacy, consent, and consumer rights.

High-Tech GPS Devices Surveillance

Advancements in technology have made these GPS devices more sophisticated. In the US Some dealerships can now use them to disable a car from starting until they get a payment in full. As reported by the New York Times, these devices are now used in approximately one-quarter of subprime auto loans nationwide, feeding into the subprime boom.

Real-Life Consequences

The potential consequences of this practice became shockingly evident in a case involving a criminal who purchased a car from an ordinary dealership. In 2014 law enforcement, using a GPS device planted by the dealership, successfully located and apprehended the suspect involved in a violent abduction. This incident underscores the dual-edged nature of surveillance technology, simultaneously aiding law enforcement and raising ethical concerns about privacy invasion.

GPS Devices – the Situation in Canada

While the widespread use of hidden GPS devices is not a known industry standard in Canada, it’s essential to remain vigilant. Privacy laws and consumer protection regulations vary across provinces, and individuals must be aware of their rights regarding the use of such devices in their vehicles.

Protecting Yourself in Canada Hidden GPS Devices 

Before purchasing a car, it’s advisable to inquire with the dealership about the presence of any GPS tracking systems related to payment monitoring. If there’s uncertainty or suspicion of unauthorized installations, seeking the assistance of a Private Investigator is a prudent step. Private Investigators can check for and remove hidden devices. Moreover, if a tracking system was installed without written consent, it may warrant legal action.

In the ever-evolving landscape of technology and privacy concerns, consumers must stay informed and proactive. The controversy surrounding hidden GPS devices highlights the importance of understanding your rights. Ask the right questions, and seek professional assistance when necessary. As you embark on your car-buying journey, ensure that your privacy remains a top priority.

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