
Personal Safety Tip #2
Call 911 Effectively and Get Help Immediately

7 things you need to know to effectively communicate with 911

1. Provide Your Location First:

If you are in trouble and need to call 911, the first thing they will ask is your location. Try to provide the address to the call taker even if you are unable to make any noise.

2. Keep the Line Open:

If you are unable to speak at all, still keep the line open, as it helps in determining your location.

3. Stay on the Line:

Stay on the line for as long as possible, even if you need to hide your phone or are concerned about potential assault. Call takers are trained to listen closely to any background sounds they can hear on the line. Any information you can provide is important for the responding units.

4. Answer Questions Accurately:

Be prepared to answer “yes/no” questions accurately. Also, be ready to provide details about the number of people involved, any visible injuries, potential hazards, and other critical information.

5. Language Assistance:

If English is your second language, ask to connect with an interpreter. 911 interpreters are proficient in many languages.

6. Text 911 in Canada:

In Canada you can also send a text message. T9-1-1 allows individuals who are Deaf, hard of hearing, or speech-impaired to communicate with emergency services by sending text messages to 911.The availability of T9-1-1 services can vary by region, as it requires coordination and support from local emergency services and telecommunication providers. Therefore, it’s essential to check with your specific province or territory to confirm whether Text with 911 is available and how to use it in case of an emergency.

 7. Voice Calls Preferred:

Keep in mind that even with the availability of T9-1-1 services, making a voice call to 911 is still the preferred method when possible, as it allows for quicker communication and exchange of critical information with the emergency call taker. Text messages may take longer to process, and they may not provide real-time location information, which is crucial in emergency situations.

These personal safety tips ensure that you are better prepared to handle emergencies and can effectively communicate with 911 operators for a prompt response. Your safety matters, so remember to stay calm and follow these guidelines in times of crisis.

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